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Dead Sea Scenery

Mount Carmel School of Ministry (SOM)

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The Mount Carmel School of Ministry (SOM) is a 12-day intensive immersion into Israel designed for Christians from around the world.  The objective of the SOM is to scripturally link the existence of modern Israel with biblical Israel by bringing the participants into the heart of a living Messianic community reaching out to both Jews and Arabs.  The SOM includes an integrated study tour of sites in Israel of biblical significance.  For many it has been a life changing revelatory experience.

Learn more and register at

E-mail from a recent SOM graduate

Shalom SOM Staff,

I have not stopped rejoicing and telling others of my experience at school of ministry and my time amongst your beautiful congregation of believers there at Kelihat HaCarmel. I will never be the same after my time with you (March, 2023 SOM). I feel different; literally; like I can “feel” the depth and breadth and wonder of my/our (my gentile brothers and sisters) Hebraic roots, a deep gratitude and love for the Jewish people and a real yearning and desire to pray and see the glory of the Lord breakout in unprecedented ways in your midst. I can feel the joy and wonder and power of your gathering already. Praying with and for you, His Wonder-full Kingdom Come 🙌🙏💕 

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